• Pictures of my friend Alison
  • Pictures of my friend Alison
  • Pictures of my friend Alison
  • Pictures of my friend Alison

Pictures of my friend Alison

Cali Thornhill Dewitt has a new zine out "Pictures of my friend Alison" out through Innen Books. Cali asked Alison a few questions about their friendship for us. Buy the zine here. but best be quick, it's an edition of 150.

Cali: Alison. Why are you and I friends?
Alison: I think the mutual respect we have for each other is important. You have been a really important influence on me in my adult life, constantly challenging me while being incredibly supportive. I feel really comfortable being honest and open with you when life seems difficult and you are always there to tell me exactly what I need to hear. I know many people in your life who value you in the same way.

C:What is your favorite moment of our friendship so far?
A: I value the mundane moments of our friendship as much as the milestones. Of course the day you ordained my wedding was special, but some of the most impactful times for me have been more simple: driving around with Blackie, talking with you at your studio, or the nights spent on your couch watching movies with family and close friends.

C: Your husband is going to baptize me. What do you think of that?
A: My husband Jakob is from Copenhagen, Denmark and was brought up by his parents who are both Lutheran priests and although Jakob is not religious himself he spent a lot of his childhood sketching around churches built in the mid 1700’s, which in my opinion makes him qualified enough. I am looking forward to it because I am really interested in the performativity of ceremonies. I have been creating a narrative in my head about the baptism and envision it being theatrical and not too different from a play. On Halloween I was talking to your wife Jenna who is Jewish. She was a little peeved because you have always celebrated Jewish holidays with her and her family. She jokingly called you a, “religious tourist”. Jenna will have a special role in the baptism narrative.

c: I love Los Angeles and so do you. Why do we love it here?
A: Los Angeles is cool because it lacks a geographical focus, and so the city is fractured in a very unique way. Life here is so intertwined with driving that car culture is its own pop phenomenon. The development of the automobile coincided with the Hollywood studio system - an industry in an arid basin, with the driver given focal priority. This imbued the city with an incredible scenery of vast freeways, drive-ins, eerie strip malls, and freestanding houses. Each neighborhood and suburb diverse and distinct in its own way. Because LA is so fucking huge, commerce becomes really sensational. Business signs have to be beautiful and flashy to catch the eye of passing drivers, and billboards are pressed up against palm trees and a sky that is LA only. Dorothy Parker said “Los Angeles is 72 suburbs in search of a city”.

C: What is your mission in life?
A: I want to make a life for myself as an artist

C: How many times has my dog tried to bite you?
A: Caramel Bobby has only actually bitten me a few times, but he does try to bite me almost every time I am near him. It used to hurt my feelings a little bit, to be completely honest, because I would see him act tenderly towards other friends. I have however seen Bobby go through a transitional period the last couple of years as he segues into old age and becomes more vulnerable and a bit senile. I feel close to Caramel Bobby even if the feeling isn’t mutual.