• FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine
  • FFF zine

FFF zine

FFF zine occasionally refers itself as the "world's only cooking magazine," potentially because its creators have never picked up a real cooking magazine before. In fact, flicking through the pages, it's easy to forget that FFF is a cooking magazine, because there are only about three usable recipes and one of them is for 'failed brownie in a mug'. That recipe was shared by FFF's first cover star, Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark in a little-known show called Game of Thrones. The creators of FFF, Zac Bayly and Stacia Hadiutomo, interviewed one another especially for JUNK. We didn't ask them to, but they did.

ZAC: Stacia, why did you put yourself through working with me? Stacia: Good question! I often wonder that myself. I think basically to test myself mentally and physically. To see how far could I go when everyone else fails. Plus you’re funny and you’re a genius! And as much as we don't want to admit it, we love what we do and I admire your passion! It's pretty rare in this industry, strangely enough.

STACIA: My turn! When did you realise we were going to be great working partners — or even worse, real friends!? Zac: I think I knew this was a friends forever situation when we first went dancing together. You have a very unique approach to creating new dance moves, like the 'loads a washing machine'. And you're similarly inventive in your design work. There's no one quite like you, and there's no one I would have rather worked with.

ZAC: This interview is too sweet! Let's get to the dirt. Third question: why did you change the password on the FFF instagram account, preventing me from posting anything? What did I do wrong? Stacia: Because you were always uploading pixelated pictures of birds and cactuses and stuff with the same caption: "nope, not edible". It was funny the first time, but after a while....There was actually an iMessage group and our friends would message me and go "I can totally tell that Zac uploaded that picture" and "was that him again?" So I decided to slowly delete them because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings... And then you uploaded a blurry picture of your feet during a big night out, and I decided to ban you from our Instagram forever. Sorry Zacattack. But keep suggesting stuff. I admire your originality!

STACIA: I’m not a foodie, but I'll eat anything as long as it's not too weird. But you're kind of a freak with what you do and don't eat. What made you first decide to do a food-themed zine? Didn't you eat nothing but hummus almost every day for two years? Zac: What made me decide to start a food zine? It seemed really funny to combine food and fashion. A little bit bonkers. But then lots of people started to do similar projects that were all about the aesthetics of meal time, and it didn't seem so weird or silly suddenly... But I think ours stands apart. Our zine is about playing with your food, good easy delicious ugly food.

FFF is available here