• Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes
  • Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes

Cybernetics: 15 Years of Hamburger Eyes

  • Alex Martinez

  • Bill Daniel

  • Brian David Stevens

  • David Potes

  • Jason Roberts Dobrin

  • Jason Roberts Dobrin

  • Michael Hernandez

  • Ray Potes

  • Ray Potes

  • Ricly Adam

  • Stefan Simikich

  • Uni Korn

  • Uni Korn

Have you heard of the name Ray Potes? Maybe not, but have you heard of Hamburger Eyes?

If that's also a no, then you should probably stop reading because you probably don't like to look at cool photos, nonetheless read my banter.

This upcoming Valentine's day will mark the 15th anniversary of Hamburger Eyes, Ray's adopted child, who he has nurtured since birth. 

He has been the single parent printing machine, curating and producing zines for photo nerds and weirdos to enjoy.

Although he himself is a photographer, Hamburger Eyes isn't a zine catalogue that promotes his own photo career, more so, it's a platform to showcase photographers he believes are documenting cool shit.

I'd say Ray's vision is spot on.

Being a fan for over a decade, I was psyched to hear that he wanted to have a show with us for our inaugural show in our new Chinatown space.

I got textual with Ray asking him some questions about his show Cybernetics, which opens February 5th at Slow Culture Gallery. Enjoy.



SL: What's up Ray. How's Los Angeles been treating you since the move from the bay?

RP: So far so good. I like it.

SL: Heard your sponsored by Xerox on their pro-team roster, is that true?

RP: Ha! I wish. Actually do you know Yuri Shibuya? She really is sponsored by Xerox or at least when she lived in Japan. 

SL: Lucky. Well I don't know actually, that sponsor would definitely cram up the studio space or living room. How many R2D2's do you actually need you know? So 15 years of Hamburger Eyes? How'd it all begin? Did you ever think it'd go this long?

RP: I was already making zines and then one day made one called Hamburger Eyes. It had a lot of photos of people in it, I think that's why it got a good response, so I made a sequel and then just kept it going. I had no idea it would get this far.

SL: Well I'm glad it is. So you're having a 15 year anniversary show at Slow Culture called Cybernetics. What's the vibe? What should we be getting our wallets ready for?

RP: We're showing approximately 500 photos from approximately 50 photographers, all laser prints of images from the archives. I called the show "Cybernetics" because what if Hamburger Eyes really is my child, a half-man/half-machine child, and the zine is his brain. Well he'd be a teenager now, starting his freshman year I guess..

SL: Sick! I'm psyched to see what pubescent Hamburger Eyes has in store for us in the future. Well I'll end this textual torture soon. Any tips for kids out there getting into making zines, taking photos?

RP: Just stay busy. Stay shooting all the time.

SL: And maybe try to date someone at the film developing spot? I should probably try do do that. Anyways, Ray, I've been a big fan for days and congratulations on 15 years! I'm a large in shirts and sweaters btw, keep it hip hop. Still waiting on that package. (=

RP: Haha, glad you dig it. Package on the way!

By Steve Lee